
The FireGuy got LIT in a Netflix movie scene!

Never in a million years did I think I would be doing what I love as part of a film – let alone a Netflix film! Let me tell you the story…
It all started when someone from the production saw me performing live at an event. 
They must have liked what they saw because the next thing I knew, I was being cast as a fire-breather in an action comedy film, Man from Toronto. You can see it now, by the way… it was released in June. It’s about a case of mistaken identity which forces a bumbling entrepreneur to team up with a notorious assassin in hopes of staying alive. 
Now, I’m no actor. Although I’m a career performer, I essentially “play myself” as FireGuy. I’ve never spent time on a movie set.
So this was a special occasion for me. The production needed my fire stunts for filming purposes. This was a professional setting; they hired people with specialized skills to ensure everything went smoothly and without any complications or problems.
It was a fantastic experience with two talented actors who are huge stars – Kevin Hart and Woody Harrelson. They were so cool, and that scene was a hot take. 
It’s been great meeting all these talented individuals; we worked together closely during production sessions, and I got to see how movies get made behind the scenes!
Talk about the impossible becoming possible! I truly believe that my hard work and dedication paid off, and I’m grateful for this opportunity. Who knows where the wind will take me next?

It’s a long day on set, even if you have a split-second part.

Behind the scenes, there’s a service truck with food and drinks for actors and technicians. I noticed that most people spend their time nibbling treats and sipping coffee during the 15-hour taping instead of being in front of the camera.
Maybe most of these people were using their downtime to reflect on the lines they needed to memorize, the choreography they needed to perfect, and the things they needed to change, or polish. But it certainly looked like social hour most of the time.
One evening, I watched two great actors exit the set in their unique ways.
I was snacking by the service truck close to the exits of the building we were shooting in. 
Kevin and Woody were not needed for the rest of the night, as the crew was only doing crowd takes. We were all aware that they were both huge stars and their time on set was precious- and expensive! 
When Kevin left the building, I noticed a huge SUV pull up. A crowd of people dressed in beautiful clothing greeted him. There must have been six people who climbed out of the polished white vehicle with furs, suits, and flashy bling.
That night, I witnessed a moment in the life of a huge movie star, Kevin Hart — one of the biggest comedic actors in the world. He looked rich and famous, with all that attention and the grand exit.
Once the SUV pulled away, Woody Harrelson left the building, too. But he was in plain shorts and a t-shirt, carrying his bicycle. He got up on it and peddled away happily and calmly. 
What made me almost spill my coffee laughing was that a production assistant hurriedly came out the door with his bike, hastily trying to follow Woody to ensure he got home safely!
Woody didn’t stop- he seemed to enjoy the fact that this guy was pedaling his heart out, chasing him down the street back to his hotel at 4:00 in the morning.

What I realized from the experience

Seeing them leave the set on their terms, each in their own way, was interesting and inspiring. They are both cool and kind to everyone on stage and seem to have built the lives they want to live.
It got me thinking… I want to be more authentic in how I live my life.
Authenticity is the essence of being yourself and only yourself. It is living and behaving without pretending, according to your desires and values, and learning as you go, regardless of circumstances or criticisms. 
Other people’s opinions shouldn’t bother us- because we’re not born to please anybody; instead, we inspire and encourage others by being who we are, running our businesses, developing our skills, and walking our paths. 
It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and forget who we are. We can become so focused on our goals and ambitions that we lose sight of what truly matters. 
But at the end of the day, we are still who we are. Our achievements do not define us, and we should never sacrifice our authenticity for success. 
To be authentic is to be true to ourselves, even if we change as we experience life. It’s about being honest with ourselves and others and living a life that is genuine and meaningful. 
When we’re authentic, we are our own best selves. And that is something that no money or success can ever take away from us.
Moving forward with my experience with this movie, it was also a great opportunity to showcase my specialty.
Being able to breathe fire in that movie was a dream come true because it boosted my exposure- I feel famous! Well, at least it got me more attention than any publicity stunt I’ve tried… who knew more people paid attention to Netflix than the Guinness Book of World Records! 😉  

Authenticity as the Master of Fire

There is no greater feeling than being authentic. 
And in my experience, the best way to achieve authenticity is through fire. I know that may sound strange but bear with me. Fire has a way of demanding your attention. It is mesmerizing and untamed. 
When performing with fire, you can’t help but be in the moment. There is no room for distractions, pretense, or half-hearted effort. You have to be all in, or you will get burned, literally. 
That’s why fire is the perfect teacher of authenticity. It doesn’t allow you to fake it ’til you make it. You must be your best self from the start, or you will get consumed by the flames. But, when you can rise to the challenge and be authentic, the rewards are truly incredible. 
So, I’m still no actor. Performing with fire, I can be myself, and that makes me happy. 
I never want my show to stagnate; instead, my continuous pursuit is to figure out different ways to excite and surprise an audience. With over 20 years of experience, I’m confident I can heat any event and fire up any audience with my flames and glow shows.
Being genuine and present at the moment is an incredible feeling and one that I hope everyone gets to experience at least once in their lifetime. 
Thanks for letting me share my story with you.
See you soon! 
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